Summary & Setting

New Pine Creek, or just New Pine, was an idyllic little country town with more  farms and farmers than you knew what to do with. Every season was picturesque there, especially winter. It snowed every year, and looked like the picture off of a holiday popcorn can every holiday season.

You lived in New Pine since you were a baby. For a while, you were one of the only ‘younger kids’ in town, since the kids that moved in tended to be eight and older, or babies that you couldn’t play with. Really, people moved in and out all the time; it became a normal part of your life that kids didn’t tend to stay. Until the weekend before winter break, that is. Two new families moved in; one next door and the other across the street. And a girl your age started visiting more, since her brother started visiting more. These three kids were all your age, six. Unlike the others, they became a staple part of your life. But, did you really get along with them? As you grew up, did you remain close?

Characters(As of childhood)

Your family;

Your Dad, Fox: (he/him, 30) A tall man with black hair and bronzed skin. He works hard to make sure you and your siblings have whatever you all want. He’s sunny and sweet with a sharp edge that he turns towards people he doesn’t trust, though you don’t see that much. He explains everything he can to you & your siblings, and if he doesn’t understand he isn’t afraid to ask for help! You don’t see a lot of adults do that! Some people are put off by your dad, but you don’t understand why.

Your Older Brother, Dante: (he/him, 10) A boy with Dad’s hair and bronze skin. He doesn’t have his height, though. He strives to be just like Dad, and greatly enjoys sharing his hobbies. He hopes to stream video games online, like your Dad does now. He also makes you follow him around, ever the protective older brother. He takes an interest in the things you like, too. Even if it was frilly pink dresses or the scariest horror movie, he’s willing to follow you through it all.

Your Younger Sister, Monica: (she/her, 4) A toddler with dark magenta hair and pale skin, She doesn’t care about much. Your sister’s goal right now is to destroy her toys, roughhouse with your brother, and run wild. Too bad she can’t do that last bit, but she can do everything else!

The Abrams

Dagon Abram: (They/them, 6) A excitable kid with curly fawn colored hair and matching brown eyes; their pockets are seemingly endless, with how much stuff they carry with them all the time; a pack of chalk, candy, a pinecone, a mini shovel? A live frog?! A-anyway, Dagon is more than happy to follow along with whatever you want to do. They, like your brother, are more than happy to indulge in your interests, even if they aren’t really enjoying it. With how hard they try, it’s almost like they’ve never had a friend before… 

The Laaksonens

Markus Laaksonen: (He/him, 10) A boy with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes; He lives to cause as much trouble as he can. He’s been a part of your life forever now, since he’s your brother's best friend. He lives on a farm just outside town, but rides into town everyday to hang out with your brother. He’s grown protective over you and Monica, and has started bringing his sister with him to visit town.

Tindra Laaksonen: (She/her, 6) A shy girl with platinum blonde hair and deep blue eyes, she reads more than she talks. She is a loner who prefers animals to people, but is willing to talk to you if you strike up a conversation. She carries a stuffed owl with her everywhere; in fact, owls are her favorite animals! No one hangs out with her at school, they say she’s ‘weird,’ but you know better than them! …Right?

The Bernes

Laverne Berne: (he/him, 6) A boy with teal colored hair and green eyes, he isn’t very approachable. He doesn’t talk, either, instead he uses sign language and a notepad to communicate with others. You do know that he likes snowboarding, anything about snowboarding makes him open up. He gets mad easily, but this seems exaggerated. You wonder why? 


  • Play as male, female, or nonbinary; straight, bi, gay, ace, aro, or demi! Explore your gender as you grow up, or find that you just don’t have one.
  • Make a friend(or three) for life, or fall in love with your childhood best friend! 
  • Develop your hobbies and interests, and share them with a family who’re more than willing to take part! Most of them, anyway…
  • Influence the other kids' personalities as they grow, and maybe even their appearance and interests!
  • Walk through memory lane; remembering the sleepovers you had, the snowball fights you won(or lost), or that time you almost got hit by a sleigh!

If you want to follow the development of this game, feel free to follow the blog here!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(23 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsLGBT, LGBTQIA, Slice Of Life
Average sessionA few minutes


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HELLO! Thank you very much for bringing this game, I love the element of starting in childhood and moving forward while remembering moments that were had. Hopefully you can continue with this project because it’s wonderful! <3

Found a little bug. Near the end of the prologue whenever someone says your name, the game says "Name" instead of the name you typed at the beginning. Just thought I'd let you know. Anyway, adorable game so far. Dagon already has my whole heart. I look forward to seeing how this progresses. 

Thank you for letting me know about the bug! It should be fixed now, if you find anymore then don't hesitate to say something about it!

The bug is still there... I'll take a picture and show you:

Btw, the bug happens right after you say how you felt about meeting up with the fellow children:

Just curious, is Cynthia one of the ROs? Great story by the way!


Cynthia is not, sadly. And thank you so much!


What is supposed to happen after prologue. Can't click anything, can't scroll down either.



There was supposed to be a scrollbar, I forgot to enable it. So sorry about that, it's fixed now!